I have begun typing away and documenting my Mayan ruin-to-ruin run as I horseshoe around the Yucatan Peninsula plotting sweet dual-sport trails and moto-friendly posadas … although my scribbles aren’t yet up to the grand level of the B-Blogable dribble thus posted. Hence this up-to-speed note is to keep Momma’s heart at a comfy 80 BPM:

San Cristobal bathroom poster reminds me why bathrooms just aren’t as fresh south of the border.

The red star tells us that we are in Zapatista land (an anti-globalization movement fighting to keep land and resources in indigenous hands) … of course, the E.LZ.N. posters are a bit of a hint too.

Zapatista posters, stock with spelling errors:
Aviso: Es Proibido entrar a persona-agenasa pescar o a casar ho a linternear animales el que no respeta este acuerdo sera castigado y multado acuerdo con el reglamento del pueblo Javier Lopez

Nuevo Poblado Javier Lopez Muntcipio-autonomo Francisco Gomez Chiapas Territorio-Rebelde Zapatista


Notice/Warning: It is prohibited to enter a person someone else’s to fish or to marry (hunt) or to [stun the prey with a flashlight] animals. He that doesn’t respect this agreement is to be punished and fined agreement (in accordance) with the regulation of the town Javier Lopez.

New Town Javier Lopez autonomous municipality Francisco Gomez Chiapas Zapatista Rebel Territory

Ruinas de Toniná

Although our view was hindered by that darn sunset, my Google Earth plotted off-road route through unmapped roads to Bonampak was a sweet success.

Ruinas de Bonampak "Painted Walls", a site renowned for it's surviving murals depicting Mayan rituals and life.

Ruinas de Yaxchilán, so remote we shared a boat for the 45-minute ride down the Usmacinta River that separates Mexico and Guatemala ... and since a few of our fellow travelers hadn't been on Guate soil, we swung over on our way back for a beer.

Ruinas de Palenque

The sweet family we met on the boat to Yaxchilán let us stay at their permaculture farm near Palenque. The inhabiting hippies of which had a band we went to see at the Mono Blanco Cabañas, fortunately the enduring beats of the didgeridoo, tambourine, hand-drumming was upstaged by the acrobats. The next day, Malcolm’s bike got shat on by howler monkeys.

My Google Earth plotted off-road route to Uxmal was again a success … the Ruinas de Uxmal were nice too.

On our way toward Chichen Itza and scuba diving the cenotes on Mexico’s Caribbean Coast, we’ve swung by Yucatán’s capital of Mérida to get some new rear tires at MotoMundo. While cruising the streets we happened upon some free folklorico Mexican Hat Dance action and did a little road-side oil changing.

We bought oil from a local shop, BiciMotos, who then let us use their oil containers and do the work ourselves!